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News for 07-Mar-25

Source: MedicineNet Kids Health General
Health Tip: Help Toddlers Develop Stronger Hands

Source: MedicineNet Kids Health General
Some Kids' Genes Might Make Food Ads More Tempting

Source: MedicineNet Kids Health General
Baby Crib Ads Show Unsafe Practices, Study Says

Source: MedicineNet Kids Health General
Teens May Not Heed Health Warnings on Cigars

Source: MedicineNet Kids Health General
Teen Violence Can Be Contagious, Study Contends

Source: MedicineNet Kids Health General
Child Deaths Highlight Choking Dangers Posed by Grapes

Source: MedicineNet Kids Health General
Growth Charts

Source: MedicineNet Kids Health General
Health Tip: If Your Child is Cyberbullied

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Down Syndrome May Not Be Big Financial Burden on Families

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Rest May Not Be Best for Kids After Concussion

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How Taking an HGH Supplement Changed My Life

 by: Brad Bahr

I finally bought the stuff. I couldn't resist anymore. After hearing all of the great things HGH supplements could do, I wanted to see if it was really true. I'd like to tell you about my experience with HGH. Hopefully this will make it a little easier for you to decide if it might be something you'd want to try for yourself. What I'm talking about here is non-prescription HGH releaser pills, not the injections you need a doctor to give you. That's only for people who have around $10,000 a year to blow.

Be careful though. I wasted a lot of money when I first got started by buying the wrong kinds of HGH supplements. I went through quite a few of them before I finally found one that worked.

I had two reasons for wanting to take an HGH supplement. I'd heard so much hype about it on the Internet and in the media that I wanted once and for all to see if this stuff really worked. Most importantly though, I was searching for something that would cure my continual tiredness. I was constantly tired. Maybe it was even what they call chronic fatigue syndrome. I'm not a doctor, so I can't be sure.

Before I started taking HGH I was so exhausted all of the time that I used to take a two hour nap every day after work. I'd go to bed tired and wake up tired. I never quite felt like a got a good night's sleep. My blood pressure was so high I had to take prescription drugs just to try to keep it out of the danger zone. I was putting on extra weight and was slowing down more and more each day. That just made me feel even more depressed.

I was a wreck. I felt old. I just didn't have any energy. I suppose the junk food I ate didn't help and I really didn't get much exercise either.

Every time my kids would ask me to take them to the park or on a bike ride, my answer was always the same. "Sorry kids, I'm just too tired".

Darn it, I was getting fed up with it. Why was I always so tired all the time. I went to the doctor but that didn't get me anywhere. I didn't want to keep letting my family down all the time either. I just wanted to feel good again and have the energy to spend quality time with my wife and kids. It just wasn't fair to them. Every time they wanted to do something or go somewhere I was always sleeping on the couch.

Well I got so sick of it, I got on the Internet and started searching for something that would make me feel good again. I ran up my credit card buying stuff like coral calcium, ginsing, vitamins, blue-green algae from Japan, you name it, I bought it.

To make a long story shorter, I still didn't feel any better. I was still tired and had no energy. Then I tried an HGH supplement. The first few I tried didn't really do too much except make my wallet lighter but the last one sure did. Wow, did that make a difference! The website said it might take a month or two to really start getting the benefits of the product. But after the first week I already started to feel better. I kept taking it and I kept feeling better. I've been on it for a while now and I feel great. I used to get the flu at least once or twice a year and suffered from severe head and chest colds. I haven't had either since I started taking HGH.

I just plain feel good again. Better mood, more positive outlook, I feel fitter, it even improved my concentration. In fact, I feel just like a kid again. My energy levels have gone through the roof since I started taking this HGH supplement. When I wake up I feel like I really got a great night's sleep. I jump out of bed in the morning, get the kids ready for school, put in a full day at work and then come home and take the kids on a bike ride or a walk to the park.

That, for me, is the biggest benefit of all. When my kids come up to me and say, "can we go for a bike ride Dad?", and I can say "Sure, let's go!". No more, "sorry kids, I'm just to tired".

Now, I haven't had to take my blood pressure pills for months. The last time I went to see my doctor my blood pressure was 118 over 74. It hasn't been that low in ages.

My wife and friends all thought it was a big joke when I bought my first bottle of HGH pills. They all reminded me of several pieces of exercise equipment I had purchased in the last few years that were gathering dust in the basement. Well, no ones laughing now. They all notice how much extra energy I have now. My weight has gone down and I'm feeling really fit. My kids are happy too. Now they have a dad who's not always sleeping on the couch.

My wife, who won't even take vitamins, even wanted to try it when she found out how young it made skin look. I'm a guy, so I wasn't really going for the young looking skin stuff, but oh well, If it makes the wife happy, it makes me happy too. A little side note: My buddy bought a bottle for his wife and she said how nice it made her face and skin look. Well, that's all it took. My wife just had to have it too. I hope she doesn't read this part :)

Final note: While I must admit, at first I was very skeptical about HGH supplements, I now take my HGH supplement every single day without fail. I'm going to stick with it. I've tried a lot of supplements that didn't do much for me until I found the one HGH supplement that really delivers what it promises. So now I recommend it to everyone I know. In fact, I had so many people asking about it that I created a website devoted to HGH facts and information. It worked for me and for everyone I've recommended it to.

I never get tired of seeing the expression on their face when they come back and say "Wow, that stuff you told me about really works!".

P.S. Just in case you'd like some more information about HGH in general and the name of the HGH supplement I personally use, you can read more detailed information about the product and see the scientific data I have collected on HGH at my website:

To your good health,

Brad Bahr

About The Author

Brad Bahr is the author of many health related articles and websites. He has been testing and reviewing health supplements for many years. You can find out more about HGH at his website:

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