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Losing Weight Without Being Hungry

 by: Melanie Mendelson

Many people associate weight loss with being hungry all the time. They're afraid to start a weight loss plan because they want to avoid the frustrations of hunger.

And yes, a lot of times for many people it's better to be overweight than to starve. I'm no exception. I really like to eat, so there's no way I would be constantly hungry for the sake being thin. What kind of life is it if you're always feeling hungry?

Our natural instinct tells us to eat when we are hungry. Hunger is a signal telling the body that it needs to eat. It is also a signal to the body that it is in danger, that it needs food now. Our self-preservation instinct makes us scarf down everything in sight in response to feelings of starvation.

Our body doesn't care that we live in the modern world where food is plentiful. It acts the same as it would if we were living in a wild, having to hunt for our food. And it is not wise to go against the instinct that is designed to protect us from starvation death.

So, get ready for a surprise: you do not have to be hungry in order to lose weight. On the contrary, eating regular meals and keeping yourself full is what will actually help you stick to your healthy eating plan and reach your goals. Keeping your hunger in check will help you avoid overeating. It will also prevent you from feeling miserable, frustrated and out of control.

Try eating 5-6 small frequent meals as opposed to three large ones. If you wait too long for a meal, by the time the food comes, you will be starving and will not be able to control yourself. Eating smaller meals more often helps keep you full, and lets you be in control.

Never skip meals. Some people think that by skipping breakfast or lunch they will save total calories, but the opposite happens. Because they go for too long without food, they end up compensating for it and then some later in the day. In addition, skipping meals slows down your metabolism, because your body feels like it's not getting enough food. So it activates its survival instinct and burns fewer calories.

Another trick is to eat slower. It takes our body around 20 minutes to realize that it's full. If you eat too fast, you will eat unnecessary calories while your body is determining whether it is still hungry. By the time it realizes that it's full, it is too late, since you've already eaten more than you needed. If you eat slowly, your brain will start sending signals to stop eating just in time.

So don't starve yourself in pursuit of weight loss. There's absolutely no need for it. Get used to the idea that losing weight does not require being hungry.

Losing weight in a healthy way does not involve starving or deprivation. That's why it is permanent -- if you lose weight in a healthy way, you're likely to keep it off for good.

Melanie Mendelson is one of those select few people who succeeded in losing weight and keeping it off. She lost 23 lbs and got down to her ideal weight, and she reveals all her weight loss secrets in her special guide. Visit Melanie's site at

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About The Author

Melanie Mendelson is the author of "Practical Weight Loss". She helps people lose weight in a healthy way and keep it off. Visit Melanie's site at

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